(جهت اطلاع مسیحیان و دین پژوهان و مقایسه مطالب اسلام با سایر ادیان)
نصیحتی از مسیح واقعی حضرت علی علیه السلام به یکی از شاگردانش به نام کمیل بن زیاد :
An advice from the real Messiah imam Ali to one of his student namely Koleilebn Ziad:
کمیل مىگوید: على علیه السلام دست مرا گرفت و به سوى قبرستان کوفه برد. هنگامى که به صحرا رسیدیم، آه پردردى کشید و فرمود:اى کمیل بن زیاد! این دلها همانند ظرفهاست که بهترین آنها ظرفى است که گنجایش ونگهدارى اش بیشتر باشد; پس آنچه براى تو مىگویم، حفظ کن و به یاد داشته باش; مردم سه گروهند:
Komeil said that: Imam take my hands and bring me to the Koofe cemetery. When we arrive to the desert, he heave a sigh and mention that: oh Komeil eb Ziad, these hearts are like a vessel that best of these vessels are the one that it's capacity is more, so the things that I told you, preserve and take it in your mind, people are 3 groups:
ادامه مطلب ...
AbooKhaledKaboli said that: I heard from Emam Sajad that:
sins that change grace are: oppressing people, abandoning good action and favoring people, uttering blasphemy and abandoning appreciation and praise. GOD states that إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا یغَیرُ مابِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى یغَیرُوا ما بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ"؛ , god will not deprive nations of blessing unless they themselves change their situations.
AbooKhaledKaboli said that: I heard from Emam Sajad that:
sins that change grace are: oppressing people, abandoning good action and favoring people, uttering blasphemy and abandoning appreciation and praise. GOD states that إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا یغَیرُ مابِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى یغَیرُوا ما بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ"؛ , god will not deprive nations of blessing unless they themselves change their situations.